Saturday, April 30, 2022


The story is told of a great and powerful king. The king was so exalted that he rarely made a public appearance. In fact the king did not even meet with his ministers except on the most auspicious of occasions. Since no one had ever really seen the king, his subjects had no way to recognize him. To make matters even more complicated, the king’s name was very long and hard to pronounce, and so the people usually referred to the king by his initials. It was permissible to speak the name in private, provided it was pronounced properly. It was forbidden to pronounce it in public except once a year and even then only by one of the ministers who knew the king better than anyone else.

The laws pertaining to the king’s name were enforced by the king’s soldiers. These soldiers were under orders to protect the king and his good name, and so they did not take kindly to those who showed disrespect.

The king’s ministers were wise men and they wanted the people to know their king and respect him. Therein lay the dilemma. They knew how hard the soldiers worked to protect the king’s good name, and how strict they were, but they still wanted the people in the kingdom to have the benefit of knowing his name, and to have it in front of them at all times. They knew this would honor the king. But how could they do this without risking the soldiers wrath upon otherwise innocent men and women.

As it turned out, the king’s seal and the royal coat of arms were also well known, so it was decided that this emblem should be affixed to prominent places throughout the kingdom. The king’s name was hidden within this emblem (along with intricate markings and many other secrets that could not be explained). However, its mere presence was sufficient to remind the people of their debt to the king. The shadow of the kings initials were there too, but they were so well hidden that it was impossible for most people to discern them. Even the king’s ministers had difficulty seeing them. But this was good. Since the letters of the king’s name were not a visible part of the seal, people would not be tempted to speak inappropriately and this pleased the soldiers who were bound by an oath to protect the honor of the king’s name. It also pleased the ministers because the emblem, found as it were in so many places throughout the kingdom, would remind the people of their king and all that he did in the interest of the people.

In addition to the placement of the emblem in public paces, the royal seal was used whenever the king issued a decree or proclamation. The coat of arms was seen at the entrance to the palace and any office or place where the king’s servants were present. Thus the emblem wherein the king’s name was hidden became an integral part of the laws and even the historical records of the kingdom, as well as being secretly embedded in all of the things that the king had built.

As for the emblem that appeared on the royal seal, it was really quite unique. Everyone recognized it because of its unique shape. However, what no one knew was how the king’s name was actually hidden within the royal seal. It was hidden so deeply and contained so many secrets (including the things the king had done on behalf of his subjects) that people were incapable of perceiving just how great and powerful their king really was. Only a few ministers understood the significance of the initials and why they were written as they were, or why the emblem and the markings appeared as they did. Some people pretended to understand, but few knew the king well enough to understand the details completely, nor could they explain the importance of the seal, that attested to so much more.

Throughout the king’s reign, chronicles were written down so that the people would remember what the king had done for them. They would thus learn to appreciate their king, who was just, kind and benevolent. A reference to the king’s royal seal was stamped on each of the chronicles and the laws as well, but all of the stamps were subtly hidden beneath the surface much like the watermark on a piece of paper. In order to see the royal seal and the king’s emblem, a person would have to look very carefully.

Despite all the ministers had done to convey what the king expected of his subjects, most people still did not avail themselves of the opportunity to study the laws or the records, and so most of them did not truly appreciate the king. In fact, if the truth be told, most of the king’s subjects went about there business from day to day without ever realizing all the things the king had done on their behalf, or that their peace and prosperity was entirely dependent upon this wise ruler. Even though the royal symbol could be seen in so many places throughout the kingdom, its real significance was unknown, and its presence on the documents went unnoticed.

Till one day, a minister who was familiar with the royal seal and all of the records decided to reveal the meaning of the emblem. The minister was sure that if the people understood these things that they would benefit from the increased awareness and treat one another more kindly out of fear of the king and the laws he had established, and so he set about revealing some of the secrets pertaining to the king’s royal seal.

An explanation of the story is simple. The King is of course God. The ministers are the Jewish people who are charged with observing, preserving and performing all that was written in the chronicles and the book of law (Tanach).

The “name of the king,” is God’s Explicit Name which is quite long, as it consists of 216 letters. Since God is without beginning or end, His Name is also without beginning or end, and so it should not be pronounced like a normal name. That is why the King’s Name is usually referred to by the letters1 of the Tetragrammaton, the Havaya of Adnoot, or Ehyeh. The minister who best knows the King is the Cohen HaGadol (high priest) who pronounced it once a year on Yom Kippur.

The soldiers are the angels who protect the Name of the King from those who think themselves worthy of approaching the throne. The coat of arms are the mezuzot on the doors of every Jewish house. The seal of the King and the emblem that is a part of the seal, is a geometric that is defined by certain mathematic constructs corresponding to the King’s Name. The math or geometry is generally too complex for the average person to process, but it can be visualized in the form of an internal geometric property in the foundation stone (combined cubic form of the luchot) that define the edges, borders and faces of a star tetrahedron, which casts a simple shadow known as a magen david.

This royal seal is found in the repetition of certain numbers and sets of numbers found in the events, the laws and indeed all the things of Torah (an example related to this parashah and several others will be presented in a moment).

This week’s post is on Emor, and it is here that we find the content to provide an example of how deeply the King’s Name is hidden within the properties of the royal seal (magen david). The examples will not be limited to this parashah, and we will flash back to Miketz and refer to Joshua, to demonstrate the comprehensive nature of the seal.

Meanwhile, if you are new to this blog and have not yet read the essential constructs listed in the column to the right, please do so before proceeding. They explain some of the basic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the multidimensional mathematic and geometric characteristics of the luchot, both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen. The purpose of this blog is to show how they connect and to reveal where the Signature of the Architect is hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics and celestial dynamics to name a few. Once you are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate each post. 

In Emor we read about several of the King’s decrees:

The 15th of [the 1st] month... is God’s festival of matzahs.”
The 15th of [the 7th] month... shall be the festival of sukkoth.”

For now, just notice that each festival must begin on the same day of its respective month.

Of the 1st festival, it says...

You shall eat matzahs for 7 days.”
You shall bring sacrifices for 7 days.”

Of the 2nd festival it says...

You shall celebrate a festival to God for 7 days.”
You shall rejoice before God for 7 days.” and then it adds...

During these ...7 days each year you shall celebrate to God” and,
During [these] ...7 days you must live in thatched huts.”

Notice the pairing of 7’s. It's not just a series of unrelated 7’s. It is a pairing, or mating of two specifically related 7’s.

Now go back to the reference above regarding when these festivals were to begin (on the 15th of the month) and notice that each festival is proceeded by a period of 2 weeks, which happens to be another pair of 7’s.

Is all of this a coincidence? And if not, why is it significant? What exactly does it mean? More importantly, how would we prove it one way or the other?

The text of Emor continues, and after relating these 'special times' to Moshe, the next section describes the King’s decree concerning the showbread where it says... “Arrange [these loaves] in 2 stacks, 6 loaves to each stack.” The 2 stacks were separated by 28 hollow tubes, 14 for one stack opposite the 14 of the other. For now, just notice that there are another pair of 14’s, like the pair of 14 days mentioned above, which are each pairs of 2 weeks (of 7 days) preceding each festival. In other words a pair of 7's is embedded in each pair of 14's.

Pairs of 7s? Pairs of 14’s? What’s the connection? And where else do we find pairs of 7's or pairs of 14's in the Torah?

Flash-forward to when Israel spends 14 years camped at Gilgal (details of which are found in Sefer Yehoshua chapters 5 - 17). The 1st period of 7 years was spent conquering the land, and the 2nd period of 7 years was spent dividing the land. In other words, we see another pair of 7’s.

Now, flashback to the post on Parashah Miketz, where we saw that Pharaoh’s dream was the fulcrum between 2 periods of 14 years. The first period of 14 years was when Yoseph was a slave, but this period was followed by another 14 year period in which he was ruler (spoken of in Pharaoh’s dream). In the dream, the pattern is replicated again, but this time in terms of 7. During the 14 years in the dream when Yoseph “rules,” we see this time divided into 2 periods of 7 years. That is, there were 7 years of plenty, followed by 7 years of famine (a pair of 14’s and another pair of 7’s). In this case however, the pair of 7’s is embedded within the pair of 14’s, much like the 2 weeks (of 7 days) that are embedded in the pair of 14 day periods prior to the festivals beginning on the 15th.

Lets express this in the form of a textual graphic:

Yoseph’s 14 years as a slave      ~      Yoseph’s 14 years as ruler (in Pharoah’s dream)
                                                               (7 years of plenty     ~     7 years of famine)

If we wanted to express the later as a mathematic formula it might look like this: 2 Y = (Y + Y) where “Y” is 7. 2Y is the number of years in which Yoseph ruled in Pharoah's dream (also the number of years he was a slave). Y is the number of years in which Yoseph ruled during the “years of plenty,” and “Y” is also the number of years in which Yoseph ruled during “the years of famine.”

In either case, the description of the events conforms to a pattern that we see over and over again in the linguistic structure and the narrative of Torah. What is the significance of this formula and what kind of geometry does it represent?  Why are we seeing it mirrored in the events that have happened throughout the history of Israel and the Jewish people, and why is it an integral component of the requirements of law found in the Torah? Is this the Royal Signature on the King's official documents (that define creation)? Why is it hidden within the numbers, the sets of numbers and ratios between the sets?

Those who have read the post on Miketz may already suspect. WIthin the geometric properties of the foundation stone (evan shetiyah) are 5 mathematic cosntructs that give rise to 5 (three-dimensional) geometric shapes. One of this is unique in that it is its own polar opposite. It is called a tetrahedron and together with its polar opposite it is called a star tetrahedron. In Miketz we demonstrated that there were 14 elements in a tetrahedron (6 lines, 4 points and 4 faces) and that the 14 years as a slave opposite his 14 years as a ruler were a geometric reflection of two tetrahedrons that merge together in opposing directions to form a star tetrahedron, another geometric that just happens to cast a two-dimensional shadow known as a magen david. 

In the post on Miketz (as well as in the explanations provided in the essential constructs in the upper right corner of this page) we have shown how the star tetrahedron, by virtue of its 72 triangular corners, reflects the characteristics of the letters of the King’s Name, or Triad Havaya of 72. The same “signature” is found in the luchot and in many other places. In this case, the references to pairs of 14’s in the Torah are an aspect of a hidden dimension wherein the royal seal is found; a reflection of the letters of the King’s Name; a reflection that helps us to see how the letters define reality, and literally, how they rule the universe. At the same time, it is presented in a manner that honors the King yet preserves the sanctity of the 216 (actual) letters that remain hidden behind the complex geometry.

Just as the Cohen HaGadol only pronounces the Explicit Name publicly once a year, so too, we find the letters of His Explicit Name written contiguously in only one place in the entire Torah (that we read through once a year).

Is all of this just a coincidence? If not, then there should be a second witness to confirm the mathematic and geometric correlation between the Name and the patterns we are examining.

As it turns out, those pairs of 7’s are our second witness. Just as a three-dimensional tetrahedron (half of a star tetrahedron) has 14 elements (6 lines, 4 points and 4 faces) its two-dimensional shadow (a triangle) is half of a magen david, and has 7 components (3 lines, 3 points and 1 face). Imagine that! Both are reflections of the mathematic or geometric characteristics of God’s Explicit Name hidden within the geometry of the foundation stone. One is a three-dimensional reflection (14 elements opposite 14 elements). The other is a two-dimensional reflection (7 elements opposite 7 elements).

The two tetrahedrons (which are three-dimensional) consisting of 14 elements, merge to form the male and female components of the star tetrahedron. The two triangles (which are two-dimensional) consisting of 7 elements, merge to form the magen david that we know so well.

The pairs of 14’s that we see throughout the Torah reflect the characteristics of the Name (in the form of the royal seal) in three dimensions. The pairs of 7’s that we see throughout the Torah reflect the characteristics of the Name in two dimensions. Both hide the full geometry of the letters in the Name (both 216 and 42) and shield the people from the consequences of improper use. Yet both remind us of the King, and what He has done for us over the millennia. The magen david in particular evokes certain emotions relative to one’s faith in God.

The text of Parashah Emor continues, and suddenly, as if out of the clear blue, a direct reference to the misuse of God’s Name is found, along with the penalty for misuse. In other words, after “seeing” the reflection of God’s Name in one of its geometric forms within the foundation stone and here specifically the star tetrahedron or royal seal (in the pairs of 14’s and pairs of 7’s that reflect the characteristics of what essentially amounts to the mathematic equivalent of the letters in this Explicit Name) we are reminded of the sanctity of this Name. This section of Emor pertains to those who inappropriately utter the King’s Name or otherwise misuse it. These laws suddenly appear in the text as though the text had been referring to God’s Name all along. And indeed, it was, although it was hidden beneath the surface by the pure language of mathematics and geometry.

This ends our examination of Emor. However, before closing it is worth emphasizing once again that the 216 letters and the secrets of God’s Name are preserved by the Jewish people. No other nation possesses this knowledge. 

Footnotes: 1: The 4-letter "Names" are like an abbreviation, a condensed subset, that are, in essence, the primordial form of what would later (as creation progressed) expand, into a longer sequence that (would) more fully define every aspect of what was being created. The letters of each set, whether they be of the primordial form(s) or one of the more expanded forms, may be permuted (arranged in a different order). Each permutation possesses its own creative potential. The primary sequence of the root is known as the Tetragrammaton and should not be pronounced. Its letters represent non-linear creative force and are, in effect, the primordial "initials" of a more expanded form consisting of 216 letters and a geometric opposite of 42 letters, so pronouncing "the Name" as though it were a single linear representation of something is not only illogical but a diminishing of the more encompassing aspects. The letters (permuted or expanded) are ever more revealing and must be understood to the extend possible in those terms. An overly simple example might suffice. Everyone is familiar with a U.S. president known as FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but no one attempts to pronounce his initials. If they did, it would sound like “f’der,” which really has no connection whatsoever with his name. Another that comes to mind is LBJ or Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president (L'bje?"). An attempt at pronunciation would be pointless, serving only to identify the individual making the “sounds” as an ignoramus who knew nothing of the presidents in question. So it is with thinking that God’s Name is confined to a fixed linear string of letters, which would also be disrespectful, not to mention forbidden: "Thou shalt not pronounce (take/use) God's Name in vain".


Sunday, April 24, 2022


The last four or five posts have demonstrated a clear connection between the letters of God’s Name and various ancient and modern systems of measurement. In this week’s parashah we are told: “Do not falsify measurements, whether in length, weight, or volume. You must have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest liquid measure. I am God your Lord who took you out of Egypt. Safeguard My laws and keep them.” Having  seen the connection that these systems of measurement have with God’s Name, we now know why this is so important. To violate this law is not only a sin against man, for having cheated someone, but also a sin against God for having desecrated His Name, which quite literally defines those measurements.

In this post we will focus on two additional systems and show how they mathematically connect to the nature and number of letters in the Name. Meanwhile, if you are new to this blog and have not yet read the essential constructs listed in the column to the right, please do so before proceeding. They explain some of the basic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the multidimensional mathematic and geometric characteristics of the luchot, both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen. The purpose of this blog is to show how they connect with one another and to reveal where the Signature of the Architect is hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics and celestial dynamics to name a few. Once you are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate each post. In the case of this parashah, it would also be helpful to have read the posts on Metzora, Shemeni, Tazria and VaYakhel, as they all deal with the connection that the letters of the Name have with certain units of measure.

The two additional systems mentioned above are the ephah and the omer. There were actually two different units of measure known as the omer. The larger was 100 times the size of the smaller. The Torah mentions the smaller of the two, which was one tenth of an ephah (eipha) while sefer Ezekial mentions the larger of the two, which was 10 times the ephah. We will use the omer that consists of 10 ephah to demonstrate the connection mentioned above.  An ephah is 72 lugim (plural) with each log (singular) being equal to 36 drams. An ephah is thus 72 logs x 36 drams or 2,592 drams, and so the larger omer (which was 10 times that of an ephah) is 25,920 drams (remember these numbers). 

The first thing you should note (or remember from the post on Metzora) is that the tangent at each 36 degree point around a circle, in terms of its two most significant integers is plus or minus 3.0 or .72 depending on the specific point around the 360 degrees of the circle (36 degrees times 10). The circle is, in this case, the circumference of the sphere defined by the six surfaces of the cube [of creation] ("foundation stone") that was, in its primordial state, the combined cubic form of the luchot. Please note that these measures of plus or minus 3.0 or .72 at each 36 degree point are a static function of the geometry, whereas the measure of the cube that surrounds this particular "circle" is 3 linear cubits by 72 square cubits in its divided, side-by-side state. This is one of many typical "points of convergence" in this one unique measured cube ["stone"] which is the mathematic foundation for the entire universe.

The volume of a sphere is .5236 the volume of the surrounding cube, but in the case of the this one unique precisely measured cube, it also defines the ratio of a cubit to a meter, where a cubit (6 handbreadths) is the measure for any given dimension of "the stone." The cubit just happens to be .5236 of a meter. The luchot is in reality (and quite literally) the common denominator for all systems of measurement (see such posts as the Seven Eyes of God and the Story of the Cubit Cubed among the constructs listed to the right).

So biblical systems of measure like the omer ~ which is 10 times the ephah ~ which is 72 times the log ~ which is 6 times the egg ~ which is 6 times the dram or 3 times the grogeret (6 x 6 x 3 being the measure of each luchot in handbreadths) or 2 times the olive (the number of luchot) are all related and ultimately defined by the actual measure of the luchot in handbreadths ~ which is volumetrically equal to 216 cubic handbreadths and a mathematic or geometric mirror image of (and literally defined by) the 216 letters in God's Name ~ which is 3 x 72 (letters) when perceived as a two-dimensional reflection of a one-dimensional string (the form that it takes when it is found as a contiguous stream of letters in the Torah as is known) or, 72 x 3 letters after permutation (as is known) when it is perceived as a two-dimensional reflection of a three-dimensional matrix, as would be the case with the volumetric properties of the luchot having in side-by-side form, a length, height, and volumetric measure of 6 x 12 (72) times 3 handbreadths. These facts should be carefully contemplated.

Consider also, that a sphere defined by the edges of a cube casts a "shadow" that is a essentially a two-dimensional circle. Is it possible, that this circle, when defined by the measure of the luchot  (which is again 72 x 3 cubic handbreadths in side-by-side form) with a total volumetric measure of 216 cubic handbreadths (all of which reflect the number and nature of the letters of God's Name) is actually what defines the movement of the stars under the rolling vault of heaven? Remember that the axis of the earth moves 1 degree every 72 years in relation to the rolling vault of heaven, and that the precession of the equinoxes takes 25,920 years to complete (the same number we just mentioned in the combination of biblical systems of measurement above). 

Same numbers. Same sets of numbers. Same ratios. An omer was 10 times an ephah which was 72 lugim, which was 36 drams, or a total of 25,920 drams. Were "ancient people" able to accurately measure the movement of the stars and engineer their systems of measurement to match? Were the units of measure dictated by the measure of the cosmic blueprint? We should all know the answer to that question.

The systems of measurement that arise from the properties of the luchot, are a mirror image of the measure of time (in years) that the Master of the Universe allotted for all 12 of the constellations to move through the heavens. Each of these 12 constellations takes 2,160 years to complete its allotted portion (12 constellations times 2,160 years = 25,920 years). In addition to the time allotted to each of the 12 constellations (2,160 years or 216 times 10) the King also decreed that the time allotted to man for a single lifetime would not exceed 120 years (12 times 10). Divide the time allotted to the stars (25,920 years) by the time allotted to man for one lifetime (120) and you can once again see the Signature of the Architect (mathematically reflecting the letters of God's Name) that rules over everything as 25,920 divided by 120, equals 216, which is the number of letters in that Explicit Name.

Everything is interconnected. The time allotted to man is proportionate to the time allotted to each constellation, and ultimately all 12 constellations, which is proportionate to the various biblical systems of measure (many of which are still in use today in one form or another with small deviations not withstanding) and each allotment originates in the measure of the luchot (think of it as the cosmic blueprint) which is itself "defined" by the 216 letters of the Name, or the signature geometry that is the subject of this blog.

Who would suspect that the measure of time in the movement of the stars, would somehow equate to the number of drams in an omer, or that this particular measure was a function of the number of years allotted to man, or that any of this was hidden within the ratio between the omer, the ephah, the log and the dram, or the degrees in a circle, or the tangent of specific degrees that relate to other units of measure? Yet we see from this, as we've seen so many times before, that the letters of God's Name have a real and tangible connection to the systems of measurements for liquid; weight; and volume, and as we saw in the post on Metzora, even the four dimensions of space-time. 

All of the systems we've looked at so far have a direct connection to the number of letters in  God’s Explicit Name, as well as the triad nature of its letters. Our sages tell us that, "One who is careful with weights and measures will be successful in this world and the next." The reason should by now be exceedingly obvious.

Study the table below on biblical volumetric measures and (if you've read the essential constructs to the right) you will see the numbers associated with the measured geometry of the luchot (both the first and second sets individually or combined) that in turn reflect the number and nature of the letters of God's Name.

 click to enlarge


Please note  numbers like 72, 43.2, 432, 4320, 360, 2160 and the ratios associated with them which have a connection to both the geometry and measurements of the luchot and the letters of the Name.

The Measured Geometry of the Luchot Shown Below

In addition to what has already been mentioned, the above numbers and the ratio between the numbers means that 1 hin = 432 drams (the volumetric measure of the altar of incense); 1/2 hin = 216 drams (the number of letters in God's Name) and; 1/4 hin = 108 drams (the number of cubic handbreadths in each luchot) and these are just a few examples.

Is all of this a coincidence? Not hardly. Everything is connected. Each system is really just part of a larger, more comprehensive system. All of the systems converge and reflect the mathematic and geometric characteristics of God's One Explicit Name. Each one, in its own way, is an aspect of that Name, and has been from the very beginning. It's just that the knowledge of these things was lost to mankind.

One final note on this post. Each of the systems of measurement that reflect the characteristics of the Name, have a connection
not only to the units of measure but also to the characteristics of various events that play themselves out over time, or other elements conveyed in each parashah, and even the universe as a whole, in every minute detail. The underlying basis for these numbers, sets of numbers and ratios which are the mathematic and geometric characteristics of the Name, have a crystal clear reflection in quantum mechanics, the physics of time and space, string theory, biology and a multitude of other areas, that are mentioned in other posts. It is the Jewish people and only the Jewish people who have preserved the knowledge of God's Name down through the ages, and have protected the sanctity of that Name, despite great obstacles and ongoing persecution from the nations who have no remembrance of such things. 


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Acharey Moth

This post is extremely short but quite revealing in terms of a larger reality: In Acharey Moth “God spoke to Moses right after the death of Aaron’s sons [Nadav and Avihu] who brought an [unauthorized] offering...” The purpose of this was to warn Aaron not to enter the sanctuary so that he not die like his sons.

Some of our sources indicate that Moshe had earlier been informed by God that two people from among them would be (like) a sacrifice. Moshe assumed that it would be he and Aaron. However a sacrifice should have no blemish, and Moses and Aaron had sinned. The circumstances pertaining to the death of Nadav and Avihu however, are consistent with those of a sacrifice1. A number of these require blood to be sprinkled on the corners of the altar so that it is applied to two of its four walls simultaneously (any given corner being adjacent to two walls). The priest would then do the same to the opposing corner. Thus, it would require what is referred to as “two applications (of blood) that were equivalent to four.” 

This is a characteristic of the blueprint, or combined cubic form of the two luchot that were divided in half and brought down by Moshe (twice) with a total of four component halves. However, the characteristic is itself a reflection of an even larger reality originating with the letters of God's Name, specifically of two primary abbreviations of the Name: the Tetragrammaton and Adnoot, that are together (when re-unified) equivalent to four letters: Ehyeh (as is known)2

The permutations and combinations of letters (primordial energy) in the Torah arising from the geometry of the foundation stone, become our 'reality' in the physical world. That is why events such as the death of Nadav and Avihu conform to the intrinsic nature (geometry) of the foundation stone, or more specifically after its "division" into the shnei luchot (two tablets). In this case, Aaron's two sons were taken by two streams of plasma (fire) that emerged from the cloud covering the ark. Each of those streams was then divided into two more streams. The two streams were thus equivalent to four. Same reflection. The streams of plasma entered the nostrils of Nadav and Avihu, as described in many sources, and were burned as would be the case for certain offerings.

The requirement for the sacrifices and the nature of the events pertaining to Nadav and Avihu are a reflection of the halacha, but more specifically, they are a numeric and geometric component of the luchot, which are a reflection of the letters of God’s Name. 

Insofar as the luchot are concerned, the twins were two, of what were four in total (having been brought down twice). Insofar as the Name is concerned, the two abbreviated forms combine/unify (the Tetragrammaton and Adnoot) and become the four letters of Ehyeh. That is, the unification of the two abbreviations (even though they collectively consist of eight letters) results in the four letters of the composite form (Ehyeh). The two (Names) thus unify and that unification results in four (letters).
The Signature of the Architect (the signature geometry) is seen in the events and the halacha surrounding the events in the world below, which are simply reflections of a larger reality3. One can only perceive these things as a function of the luchot with knowledge of God's Name. This knowledge has been preserved by the Jewish people for the posterity of mankind, in order that he might one day come to know his Creator.

If what you have read above is new to you and this is your first visit to this blog, then before proceeding we need to mention that some of the information requires a broader understanding of certain concepts. The reader is therefore strongly advised to read the introduction listed in the column to the right and then each of the essential constructs before proceeding. These constructs reveal the basic connection between the letters of the Name and the multidimensional mathematic and geometric characteristics of the luchot, both in their divided state and combined cubic form, along with an explanation of its internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen. The purpose of this blog is to show how they connect with one another, and to reveal where this unique Signature of the Architect is hidden in each week’s parashah. Once you are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate each post.


Footnote 1 - Whether or not this was a "sacrifice" is irrelevant. Rather, it is sufficient that the circumstances themselves, were consistent with those of a sacrifice. 

Footnote 2 - It is this unification, that is the underlying basis of quantum mechanics, wherein the male and female (plus and minus) halves of the four forces (the strong and the weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity) "rule" the universe. The 4 "forces" (Elohim) are what rule, as a function of the 4 "couples" (4 letters of the Tetragrammaton and the 4 letters of Adnoot).

Footnote 3 - The Oneness of God appears as a "duality" below, in a universe with male/female characteristics. This "duality" is a fundamental aspect of physics, as is "symmetry" and "super-symmetry," all of which arise from the marriage (unification) of the letters in the Name, in particular these two abbreviations, as the physical universe is little more than a metaphor for God's Name.

Sunday, April 3, 2022


Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, there lived a king who possessed extraordinary longevity (the king's subjects did not have such longevity). The king was both righteous and powerful, and he wished to build a magnificent kingdom that would include every province. To that end he appointed a viceroy to begin the work. The viceroy was given 600 years to complete everything according to the king’s direction. However, because of the viceroy's limited lifespan, he would never see its completion and so it was necessary to pass on the obligation to his descendants. 

The king was rightly concerned that people would forget him over time, and so he ordered that the roads and highways throughout the kingdom, be built according to the pattern of the letters in his name. That way, future generations would not forget the king and continue to obey his laws. The king did all this because he intended to disappear until such time as the construction was complete. The viceroy was told that the systems of measurement used to layout the pattern, as well as the measurements themselves, would also have to conform to the letters of the king’s name. All would serve to remind the people of the king’s authority, and there would be no doubt as to the kings identity or his intention to return. 

The king wanted the people to have every opportunity to trust him and learn how to be good and loyal subjects, so he also specified that the roads extend from the palace like the spokes of a wheel. That way, every road would lead directly to the king's palace. Of course there were side roads too, but the main highways would always take a person directly to the palace, or in the other direction depending on where a person wanted to go. No one need ever get lost. 

Nevertheless, as time passed the people forgot the king. They couldn’t even remember his name. The viceroy eventually died but his immediate descendants continued the work until they too forgot the king. There was one particular descendant however who did not forget. Seeing what had happened to the others, he established and maintained schools to teach his family so they too, would never forget. They built the palace and all the roads and all the highways as the king had requested. Many people outside of this particular family refused to believe there ever was a king and acted in all sorts of belligerent ways, especially toward the family of builders. Despite many obstacles the builders persevered. Some of them weren’t sure the king would return and so they slacked off. Others, weary from the belligerence aimed at their family, were unable to continue. But many worked twice as hard so that everything would be complete within the designated time. 

Well sure enough, the king did return. He was pleased with the builders and the work they had done. Each was rewarded according to his efforts. The king then appointed a new viceroy from among them, who set about restoring order and teaching everyone the ways of the king. Many people had gone astray and had come to believe all manner of strange things, but the viceroy explained the secrets behind the original plan, and why the king had disappeared for such a long time. The people then recognized the king and bowed down to him. They put away childish things, and peace and harmony returned to the kingdom. 

For those already familiar with the essential constructs, an explanation of the story is simple. The king is of course God and the first viceroy was Adam. God told Adam how to measure everything that could be measured. The kingdom is the world in which we live. It is mapped in all directions according to a unique pattern established by God and taught to Adam. We still use the same system today. What is this system and how does it correspond to the letters of God’s Name?

There are 360 equal portions in the circle of the earth referred to as degrees, like those on a compass. Anyone familiar with navigation of GPS coordinates knows that each degree of the earth’s circumference, polar or equatorial, is further subdivided into 60 smaller portions known as “arc minutes,” and these are in turn subdivided into 60 portions that are even smaller, called “arc seconds.” Any place on the planet (within its spherical 3 dimensions of space) can be expressed in terms of “so many degrees; so many minutes; and so many seconds” of latitude and longitude. 

Click to Enlarge

As we’ve seen before, the King’s Name is often hidden in the details (conversion of measurements) and as you might suspect, it is also hidden in this system. However, in this case, it includes a direct reference to the King’s timetable as well. When we calculate how many “arc seconds” there are in 360 degrees (360 degrees x 60 arc minutes x 60 arc seconds) the conversion results in 1,296,000 arc seconds (one million, two hundred ninety six thousand arc seconds). Any coordinate in “the kingdom” (planet earth) can be mapped accordingly. However, the King also provided a coordinate designated within the dimension of time for reasons that will become apparent. That coordinate was much like the one above where the king gave the viceroy and his descendants 600 years to complete the construction. In the real plan, God allowed 6 days for creation, but each day to the King is like 1,000 years as discussed in many commentaries. Thus, the 6 days of creation alludes to 6,000 years of human history. 

Divide the 1,296,000 arc seconds of ‘space’ that are used to locate any point on the earth’s surface (or the celestial equivalent for the stars under the rolling vault of heaven) by the 6,000 years of ‘time’ allotted to man for the purpose of creation, and you get the King’s Signature, the exact number of letters in His One Explicit Name (216 letters). 

The total number of arc seconds, 1,296,000, divided by the 6,000 years = 216. The King’s Name is indeed hidden within the layout of His kingdom, as is the designated time period for creation. It remains hidden in order that people may exercise free will. They can choose their destiny by moving toward the palace, or away from it. But either way, the King’s Name is embedded within the dynamics of the space-time continuum created for this purpose, to which all of the people are subject.

How did man come to forget this? God walked with Adam in the garden and taught him many things. He taught him the secrets behind the systems of measurements and how each in its own way reflected certain characteristics of His Name. Adam’s descendants preserved this knowledge. However, eventually, they too forgot. There was only one small line of descendants who remembered and worked to preserve it. These were the descendants of Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaacov. The Jewish people established and maintain yeshivot (schools) to pass on a correct understanding of God, His Name, and the moral code that man was expected to obey. They are the only ones who know the 216 letters of His Name. They are the only ones who know the mysteries surrounding it. The Jewish people are the builders mentioned in the story above. And yes, belligerent people have risen up against them in every generation and will continue to do so until the King returns. And yes, many outsiders are engaged in all manner of strange worship, thinking that they know God, when in fact, they don’t even know His Name.

If you are new to this blog and have not yet read the essential constructs listed in the column to the right, please do so before proceeding. This is very important, as they explain some of the basic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the multidimensional mathematic and geometric characteristics of the luchot, both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen. The purpose of this blog is to show how they connect and to reveal where the Signature of the Architect is hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics and celestial dynamics to name a few. Once you are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate each post.

For those who wish to dive a little deeper into this particular rabbit hole, the systems of measurements that emanate from the primary system mentioned above,  are each an aspect of the roads leading to and from the palace. One can see from the diagram below how the degrees of a circle or sphere, for example, correspond to, and delineate these systems (some of these have already been discussed in previous posts). A circle coincidentally can be divided into 5 equal portions of 72 degrees. Any 3 portions (in degrees) alludes to the King’s Triad Name, along with the total number of letters.

By the same token, the circle can also be divided into 2 equal portions of 72 degrees so that 2 equal portions of 108 remain, like the 2 luchot with a matrix of 108 cubic handbreadths, or the 2 (north and south) walls of the tabernacle (house) that can be divided in exactly the same manner (72/108 opposite 72/108) (see also the post on Parashah VaYakhel). 

The King’s 'house' alludes to the kingdom wherein these measurements are found. When divided into the 5 equal portions of 72 degrees as previously mentioned, each segment corresponds to the 5 male and 5 female aspects of the universe (think of the 5 mathematic constructs in a cube, and their "duals" or opposites, as well as the 5 string theories in physics reconciled by dual resonance). In the case of the circle, these "5" opposite "5" equate to 36 degrees for each of the 72 degree segments (5 x 72 degrees equates to 10 x 36 degrees). Each 36 degree segment is either the male or female half of 72. When separated into their male and female halves, the “kingdom” has 5 segments on half the circle, opposite 5 segments on the other half. How do we validate (reveal) the King’s Name in this male-female representation of the system?  Calculate the tangent of each 36 degree line of division1 around the circle (using the 2 most significant integers) and the tangent will alternate from plus 3.0 and plus .72, to minus 3.0 and minus .72, alluding once again to the King’s Triad Havaya of 72 (consisting of 72 triplets) that defines all systems of measurement (we will model this in the paragraphs ahead).

The measure of 36 degrees (half of 72) is 1/10th of the circle. Divided in this manner it correlates with the Base-10 number system. The circular or spherical system of measurement described above can be expressed  as 6 "squared" (tens) of degrees x 6 (tens) of arc-minutes x 6 (tens) of arc-seconds, harmonically expanding into 10s, 100s, and 1000s. It's square or cubic form of course being 6 x 6 x 6 handbreadths. Both systems, square/cubic and circular/spherical, are a reflection and function of the 216 letters in God's Name. The expansions (10s,100s, 1000s) are a natural function of the Base-10 System where significant ratios (related to the Name) are often a matter of simply moving the decimal point.

The Measure of the Earth Defined by
the Sphere within the Cube of Creation
(combined cubic form of the luchot
(Three Dimensions)

Click to Enlarge

The Circle Defined by the Square of the Cube [of Creation]
(Two Dimensions) 

Click to Enlarge  

One should keep in mind at this point that aside from minor aberrations, the circumference of the earth is 21,600 n. miles and its mass is 108 times 10 to the 10th power, both of which reflect aspects of the Explicit Name and its connection to the geometry and measurements of the luchot.

For purpose of clarification, the circle and the square are two-dimensional, while the cube and sphere are three-dimensional: 6 x 6 (two) or 6 x 6 x 6 (three) and 6 x 6 (as tens or 360 degrees). 

The 6 (tens) x 6 (tens) x 6 (tens) are like the 3 dimensions of the Kodesh Kodeshim (Holy of Holies) which was 216,000 cubic handbreadths. All are reflections (or a mathematic function of) the system of measurement originating within the sapphire cube that was 6 handbreadths x 6 handbreadths x 6 handbreadths (216 cubic handbreadths in the third dimension) times another 6 (that corresponds to the one dimension of time). The one is different from the other three because it is a reflection of the primary abbreviations of the Name (see the post on The Marriage of the Letters). 

The product of all four is 1,296 which is the integer root (times 1,000) of 1,296,000 arc seconds in the spherical form. Multiplied together, there are 4 dimensions of space-time in the observable universe, and here, again, one dimension (time) is different from the other three (space) because "the measure" is a reflection (function of)  the sapphire cube that is (again) defined by the letters of God's Name (3 x 72 x 4 dimensions equals 1,296). Everything is interconnected, but absent a knowledge of the letters in God's Name, not everyone has the ability to see the intricate nature of the connection.

The Carbon-12 mystery is closely related to this same system. There can be no life on earth without Carbon-12. It is the underlying basis of life. Carbon-12 is created by the bonding of Helium-4 and Beryllium-8, during what is called the tri-alpha process, wherein 3 alpha particles are fused together. The excitation energy during the process is 7.2 MeV (again with the 2 most significant integers) thus
3 particles and 7.2 electron-volts. So the Signature of the Architect or Seal of the King, is also found in the underlying basis of life, as well as time and space. And by the way, the Helium-4 and the Beryllium-8 are themselves a reflection of the Name or its primary abbreviated forms having a total of 8 letters that divide into 4 male and 4 female (the Tetragrammaton and the Havaya of Adnoot). Some of this is explained in the post on Ki Thetze.

The study of measurements or systems of measurement, by the way, is called metrology. However, the basis for the various systems was lost eons ago. There are those (even among other religions) who have noticed these unusual numbers, sets of numbers, and ratios, and can easily see that they are an integral part of the universe (we'll provide a prime example in a moment). They also rightly conclude that the pattern is evidence of intelligent design. However, since they are involved in “all manner of strange worship,” and not familiar with God’s Real Name, that is, the Name that gave rise to the universe (His Explicit Name) they invariably attribute the design to the name of their own particular (false) deity or idol. These childish things will eventually be put away, at the appropriate time, when God makes Himself known and confirms the identity of the builders and the nature of what was built and why.

That brings us to this week's parashah Metzora, wherein we again see the primary underlying pattern of the above system of measurements involving 5 mathematic constructs found in the sapphire cube, together with their 5 polar opposites (the male and female halves of those 36 degree segments). We see a reflection of this pattern in 5 things mentioned in this parashah that correspond to leprosy manifested within the physical body
(1 being mentioned in the last parashah). 

This is the law of the leprous mark (13:59)
This is the law of the Metzora (14:2)
This is the law of one who has the mark of leprosy (14:33)
This is the law for every leprous mark (14:54)
This is the law of leprosy (14:57)

There are however, 5 counterparts that are not mentioned. They pertain to a spiritual form of leprosy that cannot be seen in the physical body, but nevertheless manifest within the soul, as is known. The latter is much worse.

Psalms 34:13,14 says: "Who is the man who desires life, who loves days to see good? Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking maliciously." King Solomon said: "He who watches his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from grief" (Proverbs 21:23). The word for grief is tzaroth which is related to tzara'ath (leprosy). It could thus be rendered, "he who watches his mouth and tongue safeguards his soul from leprosy2". This is what afflicts those among the nations who are belligerent toward the builders and it is what causes them to engage in baseless hatred.

The mathematic signature in the mention of leprosy, is merely another reflection of God’s Name. It is not only hidden within the 5 equal segments of 72 degrees in a circle of 360, but in its male-female counterpart as  36 “male” and 36 “female” (degrees) as described above in terms of their tangents of plus or minus 3 and .72, that arise from the 5 opposite 5, alluding to the Triad Name of 72. It is also found in the specifications for the creation of a male-female universe found in the sapphire cube (later brought down by Moshe as the luchot) with it 5 internal constructs and their 5 opposites. Echoes of this reflection include, but are not limited to the 10 sephirot that are 5 opposite 5 (sefer yetzirah) along with hundreds of other relevant examples (many more are examined throughout this blog).

The Circle as a Function of the 216 letters
(108 + 72 opposite 108 + 72)

Click to Enlarge

Examine the 360 degrees pictured above. Each segment of this circle is divided in successive halves. The 360 is of course 180 +180 (like the north and south walls of the tabernacle in handbreadths ~ 180 opposite 180). Each 180 degrees further divides into 72 + 108 degrees. When each 72 degree segments is successively divided, it becomes 36 degrees (as previously noted) then 18 degrees (18 being the gematria of life) of which there are 20 segments (which is the number of beams in each of the two walls of the tabernacle) then 9 (which is the measure of each beam in handbreadths) and so on. (please note that the post on Parashah VaYakhel shows a more accurate layout of the mishkan that includes the finishing posts of the end wall. The diagram below was meant to show the overall measurements).

The Tabernacle as a Function of the Circle
and the 216 Letters

(108 + 72 opposite 108 + 72)
(20 Beams ~ 9 Handbreadths)

All of these systems of measurement, their numbers, sets of numbers and ratios are reflections of the signature geometry associated with the Explicit Name. 


Footnote 1 - Enter 36 degrees into a scientific calculator (most smart phones have them as an app) and then hit the TAN or tangent button on the calculator (do this with each increment of 36 degrees around a circle: 72, 108, 144, 216, 252, 288, 324, 360). The result in terms of the 2 most significant integers (above zero) will be plus or minus 3.0 or .72 which reflect the nature and number of letters in the Explicit Name. This is an aspect of the mathematic system underlying the (intelligent) design of the universe by a real Creator, whose Name, though hidden, is nevertheless embedded throughout the system.

Footnote 2 - Me'am Loez Metzora 1