The Coronavirus

As this is being written, the Coronavirus is sweeping across the world. Many are asking why. What is the significance of this virus at this time? In Judaism, we believe that everything is from God. Everything has a purpose. 

This post is specifically for those who regularly follow this blog and not recommended for those unfamiliar with God's Explicit Name. If you are new to this blog, please read each of the essential constructs listed in the column to the right before proceeding. These pages reveal some of the basic mathematic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the multidimensional geometric characteristics of the luchot, both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen, and together they form a unique signature. We refer to this geometry and its mathematic common denominator as the Signature of the Architect. The purpose of this blog is to show how all of these things connect, and to reveal where the signature geometry is hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics, celestial dynamics, and in this case current events, to name just a few. Once you are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate this post.

Indeed, " every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven." (Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 3:1). The Torah is divided into parashot (portions). Each is read aloud at its designated time of the year. Of course, the exact "time" or date with respect to the Hebrew calendar (and also the exact place in the solar orbit) may vary from year to year. 

Not long ago, it was time to read Parashah Vayakhel which provides the instructions and the measurements for the Mishkan which was/is a manifestation of God’s Presence in the world.

The measurements of the Mishkan contain many secrets. Consider for example, that the north and south walls each consisted of 20 beams covered in Gold. The portion with the Holy of Holies was just 8 of those beams. These two portions of the wall (that consisted of 8 beams) were connected by a third wall consisting of yet another 8 beams (6 beams plus 2 finishing beams = 8 beams). That’s 3 walls of 8 beams. You will see why this measure is significant in a moment. Each beam was 1.5 sacred cubits in width and 10
sacred cubits high (not Hebrew cubits). 

Sacred cubits? The sacred cubit is used to measure only those things that are Holy. The Hebrew cubit is used to measure ordinary things. The measuring rod held by the angel in the book of Yehezkial/Ezekial 40:5 (for example) was "six cubits by a [Hebrew] cubit and a handbreadth" [i.e. the sacred cubit]. Why? Because it was being used to measure the Third House/Temple. What's the difference? The Hebrew cubit was 5 handbreadths while the sacred cubit was 6 handbreadths (i.e. the Hebrew cubit plus a handbreadth). So what does all this have to do with Coronavirus?

Since the Mishkan was Holy, its 1.5 cubit-wide beams measured 9 handbreadths, times the 8 beams for each wall, or 72 handbreadths for each of the 3 walls. This of course, is a geometric reflection of the Explicit Name of God known as the Triad Havayah of 72, with a total number of 216 letters. The
sacred cubit was used to measure the Mishkan because it  is a function of the letters in God's Explicit Name. Holy!

There are many more secrets as well. The internal dimensions for the Holy of Holies was 10 cubits by 10 cubits by 10 cubits (giving it a volume of 1,000 cubic cubits). Since there are 6 handbreadths in a sacred cubit, this measurement can be expressed as 60 handbreadths by 60 handbreadths by 60 handbreadths, which means the volume of the Holy of Holies was 216,000 cubic handbreadths. Just as the linear measure (3 x 72) is a geometric reflection of God's Explicit Name, so too, the volume is a reflection of those 216 letters. 

In the paragraphs above, we asked the question, "what does this have to do with the Coronavirus." When we reached the designated time to read Parashah Vayakhel (to read it aloud and create the sound of its letters) the number of cases of Coronavirus worldwide reached 216,000. By the end of the week it was still in the 216 thousands of cases (here’s the snapshot from that Friday). The week that followed saw a rapid escalation of those numbers.

Chazal (Midrash on Shir HaShirim Perek Bet, Pasuk Yud-Gimmel) says that “shortly before the days of Mashiach, a great plague will come to the world..."

God's Name quite literally rules the world. It puts limits on mankind's arrogance. No one can say for sure if this Coronavirus is the plague mentioned by Chazal, but if it is, the number of cases will likely increase until it reaches the measure for the Sephirah of Keter.


Three weeks have passed since the above was posted and the following addendum has been added:

When we first quoted Chazal above, the last part of the quote was deleted. It actually says in so many words, that: shortly before the days of Mashiach, a great plague will come to the world... and the wicked [wickedness] will be destroyed." The reason we did not mention the last part was because of a concern that it would be misconstrued. Everyone would become confused seeing the righteous among them perish as well. The explanation is rather simple.

When for example, Yonah Ben Amitai (the Prophet Jonah) said that "Ninevah would be over-turned," it was thought to mean the death of its people. However, the words allowed for an interpretation that would result in a great awakening causing the people to change their ways (i.e. change in attitude) which was in fact exactly what happened. Thus, Ninevah really was over-turned. In the case of the plague mentioned by Chazal, wickedness will be destroyed one way or the other.

When King David's enemies rose against him, he did not pray for their death, but rather that their wealth and power be diminished. Why? Because it would prevent others from making the same mistake, thinking they could misuse their positions for purpose of acquiring fame and fortune.

The average plague brings death to both righteous and unrighteous. Therefore, the interpretation of this particular reference must include the possibility that it refers to something else. The "destruction of the wicked" may infer, for example, that their wickedness will be exposed for all to see, leaving no doubt as to their corruption. The loss of public trust tends to destroy kings, be they captains of industry or politicians, and this inevitably results in a loss of fortune and status (i.e. the destruction of the wicked).

If this is the plague that was foretold, then perhaps the deception of the wicked who are currently using their power and position for nefarious purposes, will be exposed. We can all think of numerous examples, especially among the ranks of political figures engaged in rampant corruption, who lie repeatedly, and put their own fame and fortune ahead of their constituents. Time will tell.

If you would like to learn more about God's Name and how this Name rules the universe, start with the Introduction and then read the essential constructs that follow.

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