Metatron and the Sapphire Stone

My book on Metatron and the Sapphire Stone is available free (both in Hebrew and in English) from the Apple Book Store in 51 different countries.

The purpose of the book is to show the following:

1) The Sapphire Stone (the two tablets of the covenant in their recombinant cubic form) is the mathematic common denominator between the Imperial and Metric Systems of Measurement. 

2) Just as it is the common denominator between the Imperial and Metric Systems of Measurement, it is also, quite literally, both the mathematic and geometric common denominator between the full Explicit Name of God consisting of 216 letters, and the 42 letter Name of God.

3) These two Names and their respective letters (as reflected in the measure of the stone's geometry) are the underlying "force" behind the physics of the universe and even the history of Israel. The letters of these Names are the template for our reality. And finally...

4) The Angel Metatron is in essence the Edenic/Adamic form of human consciousness.

To acquire a copy of my book, just go to the Apple Book Store using the "Books" application in any Apple iPhone or iPad, and then search for Metatron and the Sapphire Stone using either English or Hebrew letters. If you don't find the "Books" application in your iPhone or iPad, then go to the Apple App Store and look for "Books."

If for any reason you re unable to acquire a copy through the book store as described above, please write to me and I will send it to you.

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