The 216 in Operation Protective Edge (2014)

Access to this page was restricted until the Hebrew Year 5784 which was/is the 216th year before "Shabbat" (i.e. the seventh millennium) and coincidentally the year that the final war against Amalek was declared. This page was not available from the main page of this blog until now for a variety of reasons, as I did not yet wish to make it public.   

As you may know, our Sages saw great significance in the fact that the three-day fast of Esther consisted of 72 hours (3 days of 24 hours = 72 hours). The analogy to God's Name (assuming there is an analogy in 3 days of 24 hours being 72) is statistically problematic because without the 24 hours in a day, and the 'product' of the 3 x 24 being 72, the numbers would be meaningless. I always considered the analogy something of a stretch for that very reason. Moreover, a mathematic “set” of data involving only one actual number, in this case three (3) is simply to limited to be considered statistically significant, even considering the product (72) as a second number in the set. No mathematician/statistician worth his salt would say that these two numbers had any correlation with God’s Name whatsoever. From a mathematic standpoint they would be correct. However, our Sages apparently saw things differently. They operated on a different plane of existence and they saw every event as a function of a larger reality involving that very Name (which is the only reason my skeptical mind would accept it, so many years ago). Since then, my understanding of such things has evolved.

The magen david, or 'shield of David,' was God Himself, but God has a Name. It was this Name that was David's shield. Israel has the same protector, and His One Explicit Name consists of 216 letters expressed as 72 triplets (72 x 3 = 216). The mathematic and geometric architecture of this Name is unique. As we've shown many times throughout this blog, Israel's destiny is attached to its letters in extraordinary ways. That brings us to the unusual connection they seem to have with Operation Protective Edge.

Quite some time ago, in the year (2014 Gregorian Calendar) Hamas began a rocket war against Israel. It was to be followed on Rosh Hashanah with hundreds of simultaneous terrorist attacks all over Israel, facilitated by the numerous tunnels that had been dug for the purpose of getting those terrorists past the security perimeter that had been put in place surrounding Gaza. Had that happened, the results would have been disastrous and many thousands of innocent Israelis would have been murdered. Israel's 'Protector,' however, intervened on behalf of His people. 

To understand the specific nature of this intervention and how it pertains to our Protector's Name, especially in the case of Operation Protective Edge, you really need to be a regular reader of this blog. That being the case, if you are new to the Sapphire Magen David, please read each of the essential constructs listed in the column to the right before proceeding. Each of these constructs explain some of the basic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the multidimensional mathematic and geometric characteristics of the luchot (tablets of the covenant) both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the magen. The purpose of this blog is to show how they connect with one another and to reveal where the Signature of the Architect is hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics and celestial dynamics to name a few. 

Those who are already familiar with these constructs, will understand why the following information is so significant. As of August 31, 2014, the total number of deaths in Israel came to 72 as reported by Arutz Sheva (Israel National News):

                      An IDF soldier critically wounded during Operation Protective Edge succumbed to his
                      injuries Sunday. 20-year-old Shahar Shalev, a Paratrooper from Alonei Habashan in the
                      central Golan Heights, became Israel's 67th fallen soldier during the operation. His death
                      brought the overall death-toll in Israel to 72.

You may remember that the war was precipitated by the kidnapping and murder of three innocent boys: Gilad Sha’ar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrah, and so at first glance, there would appear to be a 'connection' similar to the one in the Book of Esther mentioned previously (assuming a statistically significant connection can be made with only two numbers).  However, in this case the analogy goes a bit further.

The following is a direct quote from an article in the online publication Times of Israel:
                      Citing figures released by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the BBC’s
                      head of statistics Anthony Reuben found that the number of civilian men killed in the
                      fighting outnumbered the number of women by a factor of nearly 3.5:1. According to
                      the UN, 725 men were killed in the conflict as opposed to 214 women. When the 216 
                      confirmed “members of armed groups” were included in the figures, the disparity grew
                      even larger. Israeli military officials said 750-1,000 Hamas and other gunmen had been
                      killed in the fighting as of Tuesday, August 5, 2014. 

We might ordinarily consider these numbers cited by the U.N. High Commission, and this particular date a coincidence. However, it just happens that the date cited by the High Commissioner (Tuesday August 5, 2014) was the Ninth of Av, and the fact that 216 Hamas combatants were officially acknowledged has having been killed by this day is intriguing to say the least, since it happens to be the total number of letters in the Name consisting of 72 triplets (3). Coincidence? Maybe. However, as if to confirm the significance, there also just happen to be 216 hours in the nine days (leading to and including the Ninth of Av) and so the appearance of these numbers as a set  (3 : 72 : 216 : 216) surrounding these events would, at the very least, be considered far more statistically significant than those pertaining to the fast of Esther. The set of numbers bears the heavenly watermark of the royal seal (72 triangular corners of the three-dimensional magen david) wherein the architecture of the 72 triplets with 216 letters is hidden. It's external equivalent is found in the volumetric measure of the combined cubic form of the luchot (216 cubic hand-breadths). It should be emphasized that the letters of the Name, that in turn define the measure of the luchot (as explained in the sapphire twins) in fact define the measure for both sets of luchot, that were brought down twice (216 : 216) and so the appearance of this unique set of numbers in the death-related statistics of operation protective edge is somewhat remarkable.

In order to calculate the probability that three sets of numbers are coincidentally identical (as they relate to the letters of the Name) we would simply multiply the range of possibilities for the numbers in all three sets together. The first set consists of the numeric, and ultimately the geometric architecture of the Name as a series of:

a) letters in the form of triplets (groups of 3 letters) with;
b) a total of 72 triplets; and where...
c) the total number of letters is 216...

These odds are then compounded by the second set. Note that the numbers of the second set define the measure of the cosmic blueprint for creation (the luchot) which are characterized by the same identical numbers:

a) each of the luchot are each 3 hand-breadths thick; times
b) the area of the two together in side-by-side form: 72 square hand-breadths; that
c) have a total volumetric measure of 216 cubic hand-breadths;
d) and where the luchot were brought down twice (216 and 216

Finally, the above 'odds' are then compounded by the third set, where the above 'measures' constitute a hidden, but repeating pattern, throughout the Torah (and also time and space as shown in such posts as the Primordial Torah and Metzora to name a few). In this case, the same 'measure' is hidden in the death statistics of 'operation protective edge' (an example of a current event) where we find a third set that consists of these exact same identical numbers in:

a) the death of 3 boys that precipitated the conflict; wherein 
b) a total of 72 deaths occurred on our side; and where  
c) there were a total of 216 confirmed deaths of combatants on their side; and where
d) the official tally from the UN was limited to deaths prior to the Ninth of Av
    (there being 216 hours in those nine days)

There are a number of ways to calculate the odds that something like this is a coincidence, but any realistic calculation has to take into account a reasonable range for any given statistic, like the fact that there were only 216 Hamas 'combatants' officially recognized as having been killed by this date. The numbers should have been far higher, and would have been, or should have been, had it not been for leaflets and phone calls to target areas, warning people to evacuate. Had this not been the case, many more 'thousands' would have died. The range of numbers for the potential deaths in Israel is also much higher, considering that Hamas fired 3,300 missiles at Israeli populations centers. When the true range is considered as part of the equation, the odds that the official numbers were limited to 72 and 216 deaths is astronomical (effectively zero). 

This is not to say that it could not have been a coincidence, however unlikely that may be. It just means that it must be given additional consideration in light of everything we know about God's Name, and His Divine rule over everything that happens in His kingdom. Whether this is a coincidence or not, is something you will have to decide. We would however, caution against ascribing significance to any specific number as it pertains to the nature of any specific statistic, like 3 boys or 72 deaths on our side, or the 216 on theirs (by the Ninth of Av). It is sufficient that the numbers and the sets of numbers bear the heavenly watermark2 previously mentioned. Any attempt to attribute significance to a particular number, in a specific context, is pure conjecture. We can only say that taken together, they seem to demonstrate that the events were indeed ordered from above, and that they have very precise limitations that are part of our Creator's plan. We do know that the two halves of reality that are found not only in the division of the letters and the corresponding division of the luchot, are also found in these numbers, where the 3 and the 72 deaths on our side stand opposite the 216 on their side, but, as is always the case with diametrically opposed opposites, one side is 'male' with respect to the other, that is 'female,' and in this case one side was clearly blessed, whereas the other was genuinely cursed. Israel was blessed in that the number of deaths ended with 72, whereas the enemy of Israel was cursed, in that the number of deaths, at 216, was really just the beginning of its woes, and these numbers would continually expand until they reached into the thousands, for both dead and injured. The 'grace' that was bestowed on Israel was due to its collective knowledge of Torah as explained in the post on 'Every Second Counts.'  

In memory of the 3 boys and the 72 human beings who died during the war that followed, we dedicate this page. They are heroes in every sense of the word. Their lives truly sanctified the Name of the Holy One Blessed be He, and may their names be attached to His Name for all eternity (as it certainly appears to be in the numbers, sets of numbers and ratios between the sets we've exmained1). In the final analysis, no one can know for sure, and so it's up to the reader to ponder the specific circumstances as they relate to the letters of the Name.


Footnote 1 - We would conservatively estimate the odds of these numbers; the specific sets of numbers; and the date specified by the High Commissioner; as well as the very real potential for disaster from 3,300 rockets, which (considering the population centers attacked) could have been in the tens of thousands, as being purely coincidental, at somewhere between 1:1,000,000 (one in one million) and 1:500:000:000 (one in five hundred million). The variables are of course subjective, but as is so often the case, the Signature of the Architect seems to be hidden just beneath the surface of Israel's unique history and in this case attached to those martyred in His Name; or those sacrificing their lives to sanctify the Name by saving their countrymen. One method of calculating the odds might be: 1/365 (the one particular day of the year being the Ninth of Av) x 1/216 (the total number of letters in the Name) x 1/216 (the number of Hamas combatants killed by that day which could have been many more or less) x 1/72 (the number in Israel who died) x 1/3 (the number of deaths that precipitated the war (which could have been more) is at this point 1: 3,678,359,040 (one in almost 4 billion) and that doesn't include the maximum number of potential Hamas combatants killed which could have easily been over 1,000 (if Israel had not dropped leaflets) or the real potential number of Israeli casualties from 3,300 missiles, which could also have been in the thousands, nor does it factor in the odds that the Name itself, or the volumetric measure of the luchot consists of identical numbers.

Footnote 2 - Thank you Lisa, for the analogy. Most appropriate.

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