In this post we will show how
the events in Lehk Lehka combine with those of Beresheit and Noach to
cast perfectly symmetric shadows that correspond to the letters in God’s
Name. Its a bit complicated and so this post is not recommended for
everyone. You may wish to skip over it and read some of the other posts.
Those who want to delve more deeply into certain types of patterns and
peel back the layers of reality that hide the process, will have to
contemplate what is presented here, to fully appreciate the connection
these things have to the Name. I can only say that it is well worth the effort and that diagrams will be presented
to help visualize the connections.
Before getting into this, we should mention for those who are new to this
blog, that each of the essential constructs listed in
the column to the right should be read first, before proceeding with any given post. These pages reveal some of the
basic mathematic connections between the letters of God's Explicit Name and the
multidimensional geometric characteristics of the luchot,
both in the divided state and combined cubic form, along with the
internal geometry that casts a shadow known as a magen david. There is a
special connection between the Name, the luchot and the geometry of the
magen, and together they form a unique signature. We refer to this geometry and its mathematic common denominator as the Signature of the Architect. The purpose of this blog is to show how all of these things connect, and to reveal where the signature geometry is
hidden, not only in each week’s parashah, but the physics of time and
space, quantum mechanics and celestial dynamics to name a few. Once you
are familiar with these constructs you can more fully appreciate each
particular post is not recommended at all unless you have a working
knowledge of kabbalah. It's not necessary to fully understand it.
However, you should at least be familiar with its terminology. We would
emphasize, at this point, that this post is offered solely to help the
reader see the beauty in the mathematic symmetry of the creative process
as it pertains to God's Name. It is otherwise quite complex.
We’ll start by looking at
each element of the creation process using terminology that is generally
reserved for the design and construction of a building. These elements
- The Architect (God)
- The Blueprint (Luchot/Torah)
- The Rungs of the Ladder (Sephirot))
- Building Blocks (Letters of Creation)
- The Building Itself (The End Result)
The first element in the process is the Architect Himself and He does not change. However, our knowledge of God may change, as well as our understanding of His Name. Human consciousness1 is a function of this knowledge and understanding.
The second element in the process is the Architect’s blueprint. It does not really change either, but different parts of it are being implemented in different places at different times. Our perception of it is dependent on “when” and “where,” so even though it does not change, our knowledge of it can change, and so can our understanding of its content. Human consciousness1 is once again a function of this knowledge and understanding.
The third element in the process are the rungs of the ladder employed by the builders (sephirot). These things are quite mysterious and we won’t get into their mechanics, except to say that we can perceive them in different ways and so they can appear to be in different places and positions with respect to one another (which is why they are often depicted differently) and so they too appear to change, although their function does not. The sephirot are perhaps best described as the way that God interacts with His creation. Human consciousness1 is a gift that is dependent on the way we interact with our Creator.
The fourth element in the process are the building blocks of creation (letters). The letters do not change either, although they can have different forms (so they can be written and pronounced differently). The letters are constantly being combined and permuted. Creation is an ongoing process that will be completed within 6 days (6,000 years). Human consciousness1 is highly dependent on these letters (not to mention the words and sentences they create which effect how we think) and they are specifically a function of understanding what is written in the Torah.
The fifth and last element in the process are the end result of the building process (what is being built) and events below that are the result of the four previous elements. All bear witness to His Name.
To briefly summarize these elements: 1) The Architect and His Signature; 2) His blueprint or luchot; 3) the "tools" or sephirot by which He interacts with the creation process; 4) the letters of creation that together define reality and dictate causality; and 5) the events and characteristics of the things that unfold over time (essentially the history of mankind).
There are in addition to these elements, multiple dimensions or phases through which they are perceived. So each of these components (or our perception of them) evolves over time. It is important to emphasize however, that time does not exist above (for the Architect) who sees the end from the beginning. Therefore, it only appears to evolve, to those of us down below who are subject to space-time. We will examine that evolution as it appears to us within our reference frame, because that is where the mathematic symmetry can be found connected to its source above. Let's take a closer look at each of these elements. Then we'll take a look at their mathematic symmetry.
The first element: We’ll start with the first element of the creation process, which is the Creator. The architect is of course unchanging. It is only our understanding of Him, His Name, His plan and that expectations that He has for man (our understanding of these things) that evolves over time. Those who wish to know God, should first know His Name2. That understanding has many dimensions. We will review four.
- The first dimension: In the Torah we see God’s Name as a one-dimensional string of letters. Specifically, a one-dimensional string of 216 contiguous letters (linguistically divided into 3 sentences of 72 letters). Most people read over these letters and do not even see the Name because it is hidden within the narrative (or story) in the verses. It’s there, but it remains hidden within the limitations of one-dimensional space. Man however, has the option of wanting to know God, and so He provides the means, but to know God you have to know His Name, and just as God is without beginning or end, so too is His Name. Moreover, just as God Himself transcends the limits of any given dimension, so too does His Name. It is certainly not limited to one-dimensional space. Enter the second dimension...
- The second dimension: To perceive God’s Name in two dimensions, we permute the letters (as is known) into triplets. This written form of the Name was revealed by R. Aryeh Kaplan as 9 triplets on 8 lines (9 triplets on 8 lines = 216 letters). This is like the walls of the Ark of the Covenant that were each 9 hand-breadths high on the outside, 3 layers thick (gold-wood-gold) and 8 hand-breadths high on the inside (as explained in the post on Terumah). It's also like the mathematic structure of the Menorah (as depicted by the Rambam). The menorah's structural geometry is essentially a two-dimensional representation of the letters (you will not see this connection in most depictions of the menorah). The 9 triplets on 8 lines is also the two-dimensional metric geometry for the ten vectors of five-dimensional space (that can be perceived more accurately in three dimensions as the shape and form of a star tetrahedron with 9 triangular corners on 8 faces). Take time to contemplate the implications. Each higher level of perception is hidden from the level below. For example, when we look at the 216 letters in two dimensions (as 9 triplets on 8 lines) they are no longer hidden (as they were in the one-dimensional string of letters in the Torah) and take on a unique form that can be more easily perceived. We call this form the "Triad Havayah of 72” because it consists of 72 letter groups consisting of triplets. In this "higher dimension" (the second dimension) we can go beyond merely reading over the hidden letters of God’s Name and actually see them, even though (in two dimensions) our sight is still somewhat limited. However, it is at this level we can begin to perceive its mathematic and geometric characteristics, and with this perception, we can now begin to understand its significance, and how its letters 'rule' the universe. We can, for example, begin to see how it connects with space-time (as described in Metzora) quantum mechanics (as described in Ki Thetze) particle physics or string theory (as mentioned in Sh'lach) celestial dynamics (as described in BeHa’alothekha) and so forth; but it doesn’t end there either. Enter the third dimension....
- The third dimension: When the luchot were divided and brought down by Moshe, we were not only given the opportunity of perceiving God’s Name on a more lofty level, but how these letters define various key aspects of biology, chemistry and celestial mechanics. In this form we also know what He expects of mankind (as in halacha). Through the 304,805 letters of Torah we gain additional awareness of God’s Name; His plan; and His expectations. Three dimensions? How? In one dimension, any given dimension (of the luchot) is merely 6 hand-breadths, like the number of days in creation (to unfold over 6 thousand years). In two dimensions (when they are side-by-side) they are 6 x (6 + 6) or 72 square hand-breadths, its depth (or triplets) being hidden within the limitations of two-dimensional space. However, in three dimensions they are 6 x (6 + 6) times 3, or what amounts to 72 x 3, which of course is 216 cubic hand-breadths, but from this "height" we can perceive the 216 letters in three dimensions (see the model below). This is very much like human consciousness. It reaches ever-greater levels as the number of facets increase. Contemplate this. There are 70 facets of the Torah. The receiving of the luchot (that mathematically and geometrically reflects the letters of God’s Name) provides us with a paradigm shift in relative consciousness, and that consciousness by the way, need not be limited to Israel. It has affected every nation on earth (over the millennia) to varying degrees and in varying ways. However, Israel was/is in the direct path of this reflection and has received the brightest light and gained the greatest awareness of God; His Name; plan; and expectations. Again, it doesn’t end with three dimensions. Knowledge and understanding are not instantaneous. They are achieved over time.
Enter the 4th dimension....
- The fourth dimension: The fourth dimensions is time. After the exodus, Israel’s level of awareness increased again, this time to four dimensions as depicted in the structural geometry of, for example, the altar of incense (representing service to God) see the model below. The Jewish people were on their way to Israel to build the Temple, through which all men could recognize their Creator. On the way they built a Tabernacle. Its structural geometry was a mirror image of God’s Name as seen in the post on VaYakhel. The altar however, took this reflection to the next level (into the fourth dimension). It was 1 cubit, by 1 cubit, by 2 cubits, or what amounts to two “cubes” (stacked on top of each other) that are each 6 x 6 x 6 hand-breadths. Two cubes side-by-side are often used to depict what is called a hypercube (3 dimensions of space moving through 1 dimension of time). In this case, the “hypercube” (altar) not only represents how the letters of God’s Name oversee “movement” through the three dimensions of space, but how they guide the process of creation as time progresses (moves forward) where time is the 4th dimension. Each cubic half of the altar reflects the mathematic nature of the 216 letters (and also the luchot that were brought down twice over time ~ two times a cubit-cubed). That is how and why (through service to God as specified in Torah) we can gain an even greater knowledge and awareness of God as time progresses. The altar of incense was the exact same size as both sets of the luchot in their combined cubic form (two cubes that were each 6 x 6 x 6 hand-breadths) which is mathematically and geometrically identical to the cosmic blueprint that "defines" the three dimensions of space and the (one) dimension of time.
The Altar of Incense
This evolution of awareness of God’s Name as explained above, can be thought of as a program running parallel to each of the other elements at any given moment in time on the cosmic clock where each and every tick is specified in the blueprint (luchot). To see how this works, lets take a look at the second element and its various dimensions, or in this case phases (time related implementation).
The second element: The second component of the creation process is the blueprint (luchot) previously mentioned. The combined cubic form of the luchot has 5 internal mathematic constructs3, but each construct has a polar opposite, so the constructs (internally) take the form of 5 opposite 5. This is like the 10 commandments on the 2 tablets when they are divided and brought down by Moshe (5 opposite 5) that will be discussed momentarily. Together these constructs define the edges, borders and faces of the combined cubic form of the luchot, that in turn reflects the nature of the 216 letters in the Name of the Architect (6 x 6 x 6 = 216). This is how 5 opposite 5 is related to 6 x 6 x 6. One pertains to its external (revealed) metrics, and the other to it's internal (hidden) metrics. If you find any of this hard to follow, we will model it in a moment, to show in practical terms how it shapes reality (the history of mankind and specifically the Jewish people).
- Phase one: In the first phase of the creation process, the luchot are not yet divided (not yet brought down by Moshe) and so we perceive these 5 mathematic constructs and their opposites as part of the internal cubic structure of the undivided (foundation) stone under the throne (Mishpatim) that is, in essence, "the" underlying mathematic system that was just as "true" before creation, as it is "true" during creation (His [primordial] torah being a "true" mathematic representation of reality). The letters are 6 x 6 x 6 (216) but without duality a male-female universe cannot exist (we explained this division in more detail in Ki Thetze). Without actual “duality” (physical separation of the male/female components) the vessels that are needed to interact with creation (or sephirot that we’ll discuss in a moment) cannot hold or transmit the light. So while the 5 constructs in dual form exist in potential, within the blueprint, they are not physically separated into male and female halves until 'Moshe divides them' (a real-world physical reflection of what actually happened above, outside of space-time) and brings them down, at which point it becomes possible to transmit this light (knowledge of God and His Name) to the world that is inside of space-time. These constructs by the way, have their counterpart in the 5 string theories that are reconciled by dual resonance (as mentioned in Sh'lach). Enter Phase 2....
- Phase 2: In this phase the cubic form is physically divided in half (the luchot are brought down by Moshe with 5 commandments on one half and 5 on the other). In this form, the sephirot that are integral to the blueprint (luchot) can go forth as 5 opposite 5 (male-female form) and now contain the light without shattering as explained in Sefer Yetzirah. That is, human consciousness can form an attachment to “the Architect” (man can now see the light and have knowledge of God and His Name). The shnei luchot (two tablets) are in essence twins, a two-dimensional (or male-female) reflection of the Architect’s Name in as many dimensions. The knowledge of God and what God expects of man are part of this light that can now be attached to or become part of human consciousness, but only after the blueprint (cubic form of the luchot) is “divided” and brought down by Moshe, which is again a reflection of a process outside of space-time. Contemplate this (you will see the elements and their symmetry modeled in the paragraphs ahead). In this male-female form, the effects of the sephirot are (still) somewhat limited. They can hold the light (knowledge of God) but cannot necessarily transmit that light (convey knowledge of God to others). Enter Phase 3...
- Phase 3: In this phase we see the third dimension of the luchot (there is a third aspect to human consciousness). That is, we understand the importance of implementing its instructions (halacha or observance of the laws that it commands). In the third dimension we have not only a separation between male and female, but balance between the two halves (the sephirot depicted in three columns). Human consciousness is now fully prepared to recognize God’s Name and what God expects of man. So the light (genuine knowledge of God) can now be transmitted and conveyed to others (specifically by our setting an example that is itself dependent on our halachic observance). We can see the "why, when, and where" of this reality, when the Torah acknowledges a shift in the consciousness of Yaacov, after sleeping on Har HaBayit (the 'when' and the 'where'). It continues with "and he (Yaacov) awoke" (וַיִּיקַץ) from his sleep. The deeper implication is that when "the sleeper awakes" he acquires 'awareness,' which is an aspect of consciousness. True human consciousness is the awareness of God and His Name. After sleeping on Har HaBayit, Yaacov acquires awareness, and reaches the pinnacle of human consciousness. How do we know? The gematria of "and he awoke" is 216, which is the number of letters in the Explicit Name of the One (God) that comes to awaken man (adam/mankind) who is collectively asleep (the consciousness of man has yet to become collectively aware of this Name or that its letters actually 'rule' the universe in one form of another). Just as the gematria of the phrase: "and he awoke" is 216, so too is the volumetric measure of the (foundation) "stone" (combined cubic form of the luchot) by which all men are measured. Until man can perceive this larger reality, he is said to be asleep. He continues to sleep because God hides Himself. He even hides the fact that He hides Himself. Yet He is there, peering from behind the lattice, to see if man will 'see' Him. How did Yaacov perceive God's presence? When he (Yaacov) awoke, he said "HaShem (the Name) is definitely in this place" (אָכֵן יֵשׁ יְהוָה בַּמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה) and I did not know it (וְאָנֹכִי לֹא יָדָעְתִּי)." The gematria of the first sequence of letters is 612, which is the inverse integer sequence of 216. The text continues with the second sequence of letters "and I did not know it" (וְאָנֹכִי לֹא יָדָעְתִּי). That is, "I did not know" that HaShem was in this place, because He hid Himself. The gematria of "and I did not know it" is also 612 and again the inverse. This was his moment of awareness (when the hidden was revealed). The cosmic blueprint (luchot) would be given to his descendants, and ultimately brought down twice (216 + 216). Man's consciousness (a form of light) is found in the true speed of (primordial) light, which was/is (216 + 216) squared, or 186,624 miles per second (see the post on the Speed of Light for a more detailed explanation). Without this consciousness (light) man is asleep, which is the inverse of being consciously aware of something. The sum of all three (of the above) gematrias' is 1,440 (2 x 72 'tens') like the measure, in hand-breadths, of the two walls in the Tabernacle surrounding the Holy of Holies. The third wall (another 72 hand-breadths) came to reconcile the difference (VaYahkel) making the combined length of the walls in this portion of the Tabernacle (3 x 72 or 216 hand-breadths) reflecting once again the letters of God's Name. All three of these 'witnesses' (216, 612, 612) are hidden just beneath the surface of the text and become the 'mouth' of the two or three witnesses required to determine such matters. What witness? The luchot in two or three dimensions. When does this shift in Yaacov's consciousness occur? After sleeping on Har HaBayit. Where does this shift occur? On Har HaBayit. Why does it occur? Because the purpose of creation is to awaken the soul of man to an awareness of God, and the larger reality, that God (by way of the 216 letters in His Name and its abbreviated forms) "rules" over everything; that He has expectations of man (laws/halacha) that are basically the common sense basis of peace and prosperity; and that these expectations must be acknowledged and accepted by all men, as the guiding principles of a free and orderly society. This will eventually occur, within the 6 thousand year allotted period.
Notice how our perception of each component in the creative process evolves over time beginning with the awareness of the Architect’s Name (the nature of that Name and how it is hidden in one, two or three dimensions along with the significance of its letters). However, notice also how this awareness runs parallel to the state of the blueprint (luchot) at any moment in time as in: its combined cubic form; its divided or twin form, divided into male and female counterparts; or its triad form (as triplets) hidden in the third dimension.
The third element: The third component of the creative process is the sephirot and as you may suspect, it too parallels the evolution of the first two components. The third component is/are the sephirot.
- Phase 1: In the first phase, the aforementioned luchot were one and not yet physically separated (divided) so the sephirot (not yet male or female) descend in a single column and cannot hold the light of the Ein Sof, let alone transmit that light. This results in the shattering of the vessels (a real-world reflection of this is seen when Moshe shatters the luchot/tablets).
- Phase 2: In phase two however, the aforementioned luchot are brought down again. The sephirot conform to this new configuration, and so they are brought back, this time in male-female form as 5 opposite 5 (Sefer Yetzirah). One is a mirror image of the other, both reflecting their role in the geometry of the 216 letters that started the process.
- Phase 3: In phase three, the sephirot are depicted in three columns (three-dimensions) male and female along with “balance” between the two (a middle column). Without this balance the world(s) would merely be destroyed over and over again because of the attribute of justice overcoming the attribute of mercy. But with this center column (balance) the world can survive and come to know God and His Name (the Signature of the Architect and all that it entails). How is this done? It's done through the fourth element.
The fourth element: The fourth element you will recall is (are) the letters of creation that form and create the reality that surrounds us (you may have a flashback here to a scene in a movie about "The Matrix"). We will only say that 5 of these letters take one form when they appear in the middle of any word combination, and a different form when they are at the end of any word (letter combination). In other words, they are 5 opposite 5 just like the sephirot before them, that were also 5 opposite 5 (Sefer Yetzirah); and these were like the shnei luchot (two tablets) before them with their internal mathematic constructs that were/are also 5 opposite 5. The symmetry is very precise. The job of "engineering" the universe, or any part thereof is specified in terms of varying levels of tolerance that can best be described as acceptable limits in the ratio between the attribute of justice and that of mercy, allowing the world to continue until such time as an "adjustment" becomes necessary.
All of these elements, regardless of their place and position at any given moment in time, are reflections of one another, and of the Architect’s Name. But how does all this translate into human events, the 5th element?
The fifth element is the shadow below (actual events in the history of mankind). Witness "the Flood," or the "40 years in the wilderness" to name a few of the "adjustments" mentioned above. These are “shadows” cast by all the other elements (the Architect, His blueprint, sephirot and letters). That is, the shadows of these things are the events that happen over the 6,000 years of creation, as the world works toward the culmination of the process (tikkun/rectification). Let's look at some of these shadows (events) and compare them to their point(s) of origin above (the previous 4 elements).
- Phase 1: In phase one, the letters of God’s Name are a perfect unity (as God is a perfect unity) and so, the “brick under the throne” is not yet divided into male and female halves. There is no duality. A universe with male-female characteristics (good and evil) must exist before this light can be discerned. This is evidenced in the 10 sephirot that are not yet divided into 2 columns (male and female / 5 opposite 5) and cannot contain the light and so they shatter. The reflection down below, is seen as the rise of 10 pre-flood kings who are collectively unable to convey the knowledge of what God expects of man to their respective generations. Their world is destroyed, like the 10 sephirot that are their counterparts above, and like the luchot (blueprint above the sephirot) with 10 commandments that were shattered by Moshe etc. Each is a reflection of one or more characteristics of the preceding elements (the larger reality). Each is merely the same shadow, at a different moment in time. The diagram below graphically illustrates this process, the evolution of its components and the beauty and symmetry of the creative process is quite remarkable because the dots always connect back to the letters of God’s Name.
- Phase 2: In this phase the letters are seen in the division of the luchot as twins (described in the posts on Toldot and VaYeshev). This division has its origin in the division resulting in the letters of the Tetragrammaton opposite those in the Havayah of Adnoot (the primary abbreviations of what would otherwise be incomprehensible). The sephirot now come forth in 2 columns (5 opposite 5) and the earthly "kings" below manifest the same way. That is, 5 "kings" arise, that reign before the dividing of the continents and then 5 more "kings" arise, and reign after the "dividing" of the continents. The events below are a mirror image of their counterparts above (the luchot and sephirot that are both "5 opposite 5"). Although what we are seeing is really a reflection within a reflection, since it actually flows from the 216 letters that define the two halves in the first place, each being 6 x 6 x 3 hand-breadths (108 cubic hand-breadths) in the now divided form of the blueprint/luchot. The significance of this (and the symmetry) was especially evident in last week's post on Beresheit and Noach where these numbers and patterns were found in the reign of the pre-flood kings. God has hidden Himself from the casual observer, but it's as though He has challenged everyone else to open their eyes, and to come and find him.
The Geometry of Creation
Notice that Parashah Beresheit is a mirror image of the 1st phase and that Parashah Noach is the mirror image of the 2nd phase (we’ll get to Lehk Lehka and phase 3 in a moment).
In phase 1 (Beresheit) Adam is given the role of kingship to lead/teach mankind . This one “king” who was a giant among men (speaking figuratively) and his descendants (10 kings in all) fail in their mission. Their world is destroyed and phase 2 begins.
In Parashah Noach (phase 2) the last “king” of the first phase joins with the first king of the second phase (his son Shem) and together these 2 "kings" begin to rectify the errors of the past that led to the world’s destruction. These 2 were “giants among men” in their generation (figuratively speaking) and they set the stage for 10 more generations to arise. The next 10 however are decidedly different from the first 10. Shem establishes schools to convey the knowledge of God to the post-flood generations. Enter Phase 3...
This week’s post on Lehk Lehka is a mirror image of the third phase. We saw the first phase begin with Adam (1 man). The second phase begins after the flood with Noach and Shem (2 men). Noach hands over “the mantle of shepherd kingship” to Shem and the second phase begins with 10 more generations. The third phase begins with Avraham, immediately followed by Yitzak and Ya’acov (3 men) and yet another 10 generations. A picture is beginning to emerge, and it has a distinct mathematic pattern. That picture is a shadow of the elements and the creative pattern we’ve been examining: the Architect whose Name is concealed within the dynamics of the blueprint (combined cubic form of the luchot) the sephirot and the letters; one dimensions, two dimensions, three dimensions etc.
In the first phase of human consciousness the Name is completely hidden. In the second phase it emerges but perceived as a composite of its male-female letters (as in the Tetragrammaton and the Havayah of Adnoot). In Lehk Lehka we see the beginning of the third phase where it is recognized in triad form...
Phase 3: Avraham is succeeded by Yitzak and Ya’acov and these (now three) “giants among men” (again speaking figuratively) set the stage for the nations to know God, His Name; and His expectations of man. This knowledge can now enter the world via the descendants of these 3 men.
The first phase (Beresheit) is one-dimensional (beginning with Adam as 1 giant among men). The second phase (Noach) is two-dimensional (beginning with Noach & Shem being 2 giants among men in their generation). The third phase (Lehk Lehka) is three-dimensional (with Avraham, Yitzak and Ya’acov being 3 giants among men in their generation) together setting the stage for transmitting the light (a knowledge of God) to the nations. We will not delve into the fourth dimension, which is mirrored in the events surrounding the life of Yoseph (Ya'acov's son and the fourth in line of these 10 generations) as it is beyond the scope of this post. However, each is a reflection of a larger reality.
The beauty and the symmetry of the creation process is found embedded; first in the characteristics of the Architect’s Name; second in the characteristics of His blueprint; third in the characteristics of the sephirot; fourth in the characteristics of the letters; and fifth in the actual events that take place over time. Each one is a shadow of the former, and all originate with the characteristics of the 216 letters in their triad form. To perceive these things with any degree of clarity is a function/measure of human consciousness.
The diagram below is an illustration of the symmetry to help students visualize the connection between one thing and another.
(click to enlarge)
The mathematic and geometric precision of all these things is astounding, and must be contemplated to be truly appreciated. What all of this shows is that every aspect of reality; every event that takes place throughout history, is one way or another connected and that the connection invariably leads to the mathematic and geometric characteristics of the letters in God’s Name as seen in all three dimensions of the luchot. It's just that the mechanics of the process are hidden from the casual observer to allow for free will and the plan that ultimately unfolds over 6,000 years. Were this knowledge revealed in the beginning, this would not be the case. Free will would not exist, and without free will the process would collapse.
This brings us to the paradox of free will. In a recent discussion the question was asked: if everything below is just a reflection of the plan above, then how is free will incorporated into the plan? The best way to describe the paradox is to think of a man on top of a mountain. There is a road at the bottom of the mountain that runs around to the other side where there is a bridge. The bridge however, has collapsed, and so there is no way anyone can cross it. On the other side of the mountain there is a car headed toward the bridge. The driver cannot see the bridge and does not know it has collapsed. The man on top the mountain (the dimension above) knows that when the driver reaches the bridge he will turn around and find another route. Just because the man above knows what the driver will do, does not mean the driver doesn't have free will. The driver can turn around any time he wants. It just means the driver will not do so until such time as he possesses "knowledge" of the collapsed bridge, and recognizes the need for him to "turn around," at which time his free will can be exercised accordingly. This is like repentance. It does not happen until a person has sufficient knowledge to recognize the necessity of turning from one direction, and heading in another.
The world has almost reached that point. The King’s builders (the Jewish people) have over millennia suffered at the hands of the nations who are only now beginning to realize the importance of learning truth (specifically about God) rather than promoting errant and destructive beliefs that have little or no basis in reality (although there are specific groups that are lagging far behind others). However, when the nations realize their error, the builders who know God's Name will become the head (of the nations) and not the tail (Devarim 28:13). The nations will then send representatives to Jerusalem on Sukkoth, to celebrate their knowledge of the One, whose Name of 4 letters (in abbreviated form) correspond to the 4 species that when held and waved in the hands are a reflection of all the letters and the luchot (see the post on the four species and the 216 letters). They will grab hold of the tzitzith of a Jew (the strands on the 4 corners of the talith that also represent these letters) and ask to be taught about the true faith in the One True God.
Footnote 1 - Consciousness can be described many ways. Perhaps the best way is to describe it in terms of thought. A man's thoughts are a comprised of words and sentences. Consciousness is loosely related (or perhaps more than that) to the ratio between the average number of letters in any given word (used to think about something) the number of words that are employed (in the thought process) and the time it takes to think about it. For example, the astrophysicist that contemplates planetary motion over the course of several years has a higher level of consciousness than a thug or miscreant whose vocabulary is limited to a few four-letter-words. True consciousness requires a knowledge of God’s Explicit Name.
Footnote 2 - The average person does not want to know God’s Name, but rather to impose their (often errant) beliefs on others.
Footnote 3 - These mathematic constructs represent the nature of the physical universe (creation) in the form of 5 opposite 5. They define the geometry of 5 regular convex polyhedrons commonly referred to as the platonic solids. However, the constructs go far beyond mere geometry.
Footnote 4 - You can’t have a creation without a creator
Special thanks goes to Avraham Agassi for running the numbers (gematria) of Yaacov on Har HaBayit.
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